Walk the West of Ireland

Walk the West of Ireland provides personal, fully escorted walking tours for small groups.

Ireland up close and personal

This is an off the beaten track experience offering an in-depth immersion into heartland Ireland and its ancient heritage. The 10-day tours are designed for walkers to ‘settle in’ to three contrasting regions and landscapes of the country. For those constrained by time there is the option to experience just one of the regions.

A unique opportunity to get under the skin of what it is to be Irish. Our professional local guides, with a passion for Ireland and their own locality, share extensive archaeological and historical knowledge. They use local landmarks along the way and their engaging styles to bring Ireland’s rich history to life.

The accommodations are chosen for their ambience and location and the hosts provide a warm authentic Irish welcome.

Our upcoming tour

Best of the West 2023

A fully escorted, walking-focused, in depth personal immersion into three distinct landscapes.

Soak up the ancient history, cultural heritage and rich local atmosphere of rural Ireland with our professional, engaging Walking Guides.

This is so much more than a ‘walking tour’. It’s a seamless immersion into the fabric of local character-full Irish life.

Experience our culture

Guest testimonials

“It felt less like we were tourists and more like we were meeting long lost relatives.”
Chelsea, NZ
“Having local people involved as guides and hosts ensured a connection with the real Ireland...”
Peter King
“FANTASTIC - WOW! beautiful nutritious food all the way - couldn't be bettered."

Take a walk with us

We offer you a warm invitation to join our team of local guides and charming accommodation hosts in July 2023

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We look forward to hearing from you!

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